Welcome to my book shelf! Graphic novels are on the menu, and I plan to feed your hungry eyes. I was introduced to graphic novels by a friend of mine in high school who shared his Sandman collection with me. After that I became a huge fan, and I've kept that shelf growing ever since. Most of my Sandman volumes are from Cave Comics, and they are all 100% pure magic.
I'm not going to go into what the stories are about or who the characters are, instead I'm expressing my feelings about these wondrous books. The best part about getting into a new graphic novel series is not knowing much about it. For me, it's like the world actually does disappear and I'm whisked away into the story. There's something so mystical about how my brain receives a graphic novel- nothing else has the same delicious effect.

*My favorite volume in the Sandman series is Fables and Reflections: Orpheus's Song.

Ah, Mr. Punch. Wow- this was an interesting trip. I needed a bit of literary truth about an old story for research, so I turned to master writer, Neil Gaiman, for his take on it (which I often do), and of course he nailed it home. How poignant this story is, and how fantastical that it was told to me in this fashion. It wasn't easy to find this edition, and I'm super psyched to have it in my collection.

The Dreaming is a tangent continuation of the Sandman graphic novels. The characters are based on Neil Gaiman's, but the storylines sprout from the original- and they are brilliant. I think the new writers have channeled the characters extraordinarily well, keeping within the perimeters of their personalities and preserving their unique voices. I like the twist in this tale where the Sandman story leaves off, and I'm excited to find out what happens next in the Dreaming.

Oh my. This is one of my most exquisite graphic novels (the edition I have is a beautiful hardcover compilation of volumes that was given to me as a gift). After having received this unbelievably unique story by Marjorie Liu, with inconceivably spectacular artwork by Sana Takeda, as an artist and writer, I can say, I'm not worthy. Sometimes a book just impresses you so much that you're beside yourself. Monstress is simply glorious. Breathtakingly brilliant. I am delighted to have found this series. Bravo to the author, illustrator, editors, book designers, art directors, publisher, and all involved with its creation. I will be on pins waiting for the next volumes to be released.

I took a chance on Saga, and I was not disappointed! I LOVE this series. I was in Barnes and Noble, perusing the graphic novels, and I picked up a copy of Volume 1. I didn't think it would be for me- having a different feel than what I'm usually drawn to. The story had me hooked on page one, and I started my journey into Saga. This dystopian fantasy is different in its telling, and the characters are very real, with interesting flaws and charms. If you haven't already found yourself immersed in Saga, I highly recommend checking it out.

Will O' the Wisp is a graphic novel that I picked up at the Book Expo in NYC. The story is eerie and mysterious, and the illustrations set the mood perfectly.
Here are additional treasures in my graphic novel collection~

On the Lighter Side of the Shelf~

I adore Heart & Brain. This book will bring a smile to your face while making you stop and think about life. I have a tendency to anthropomorphize things in general, so this book has been a great teacher. Feeling close to my organs has been quite beneficial. Thanks, Awkward Yeti!

I really enjoy the interactions in this book. There are no specific characters, which leaves all of the beings relatable in some way. I think it's cool how the author conveys emotion by using logical language to point out the illogical. Smart, silly, and poignant- highly recommend!

I cannot express myself enough about this incredibly delightful, disastrous, hilarious, miscellaneous, amazing, freaking awesome book. One of the best things I've bought myself in a while. Allie Brosh had me rolling with laughter, then snuggling with grief. This book is brave, raw, and real. The illustrations are a part of my soul now.

Graphic novels are a timeless treat for me, and they live top shelf in my private collection. I get giddy to add more volumes to whatever series I'm currently reading, and now I'm thrilled to share these fantabulous books with you. Leave me a comment below and tell me your thoughts about this reading style. Do you have a favorite graphic novel series you love to dive into?
Tune in for the next On My Book Shelf post. I'll be showcasing my quarantine reading~ Featuring: twisted short stories by Emma J. Gibbon, cool audible listens, hanging with Socrates, tip toeing into quantum physics, and more!

Jess Haight likes to be a writer and artist. Animals, rocks, and books are her jam. She was probably the town lamp lighter in a past life, either that or a crow. Both sound fine to her.
Find out about Jess at cottagefive.com.